18 projects
in Chad
1 resident
technical assistance
87 technical
L'Initiative is an instrument implemented by Expertise France and overseen by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Complementing the work of the Global Fund, it was strengthened in 2019 and is now more than ever a key component
of France's strategy for fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
L'Initiative is an instrument implemented by
Expertise France and overseen by the Ministry
for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Complementing
the work of the Global Fund, it was strengthened
in 2019 and is now more than ever a key
component of France's strategy for fighting
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
2011 à 2017
(per year)
€ Million
€ Million
€ Million
€ Million
Expanding resources
*MEAE allocation
representing 9%
of the French
contribution to
the Global Fund
in 2020
*MEAE allocation representing 9% of the French contribution to the Global Fund in 2020
2019 was a milestone year in global health.
Under France’s leadership, the 6th Global Fund Replenishment Conference raised 14 billion dollars
in pledges, an unprecedented sum for a multilateral health organization.
2019 was a milestone year in global health.
Under France’s leadership,
the 6th Global Fund Replenishment
Conference raised 14 billion dollars
in pledges, an unprecedented sum
for a multilateral health
L’Initiative mobilized over the last triennium (FR)
L’Initiative is a key stakeholder in France’s efforts
to advance global health. Over the course of the year, L’Initiative championed the results of France’s work
in fighting the pandemics, while helping advocate
for a fully replenished Global Fund.
L’Initiative is a key stakeholder in France’s
efforts to advance global health.
Over the course of the year, L’Initiative
championed the results of France’s work
in fighting the pandemics, while helping advocate for a fully replenished
Global Fund.
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L’Initiative is tracking progress toward eliminating the pandemics
and supporting its partners in tackling major challenges in fighting HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria.
L’Initiative is tracking progress toward
eliminating the pandemics and supporting
its partners in tackling major challenges
in fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
and malaria.
Care access for mobile or migrant
women in Myanmar
in Myanmar
mobile or migrant women
Care access for
The University of Mahidol’s SMRU clinic
aims to expand care access for women
on the Thailand-Myanmar border.
The University of Mahidol’s SMRU clinic
aims to expand care access for women
on the Thailand-Myanmar border.
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Addressing sexual and reproductive health challenges
Following a workshop held in Dakar involving L’Initiative and its partners, a practical guide and information sheets were developed to share best practices and lessons learned on sexual and reproductive health issues.
Following a workshop held in Dakar involving L’Initiative and its partners, a practical guide and information sheets were developed to share best practices and lessons learned on sexual and reproductive health issues.
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Affirmative Action,
a capitalization effort
supported by L’Initiative (FR)
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Discover how Affirmative Action capitalized on its expertise by giving its members the opportunity to share their experiences in the fight for the rights of vulnerable populations.
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Discover how Affirmative Action capitalized
on its expertise by giving its members
the opportunity to share their experiences
in the fight for the rights of vulnerable populations.
Adolescents and young girls facing HIV/AIDS
A cross-cutting evaluation
of projects tackling HIV/AIDS
among young people
highlighted several good
practices: peer education,
new technologies and teen
A cross-cutting evaluation of projects
tackling HIV/AIDS among young people
highlighted several good practices:
peer education, new technologies
and teen empowerment.
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Quality, Traceability,
Civil Society is on the Case
Globalization and the free market directly impact
medications’ affordability and availability.
A glance back at the work of ITPC-MENA with
advocacy officer Aïssam Hajji.
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Globalization and the free market
directly impact medications’ affordability
and availability.
A glance back at the work of ITPC-MENA
with advocacy officer Aïssam Hajji.
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Prisons: transmission hotspots
and health wastelands
The insalubrity and overcrowding inherent to prison environments create conditions in which inmates are extremely vulnerable to pandemics.
Improving intra- and post-carceral care is a must.
The insalubrity and overcrowding inherent
to prison environments create conditions
in which inmates are extremely vulnerable
to pandemics. Improving intra- and
post-carceral care is a must.
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Giving a voice to African
civil society
For the 3rd time, Expertise France participated in the ICASA conference. The goal? To create a space where Francophone actors can speak up and share their experiences.
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For the 3rd time, Expertise France
participated in the ICASA conference.
The goal? To create a space where
Francophone actors can speak up
and share their experiences.
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Alert to the challenges of Covid-19
Alert to the challenges
of Covid-19
A flexible support
for the new funding cycle
A flexible support
for the new funding cycle
The Global Fund and
its partners, united in
their response
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The Global Fund’s approach
to Covid-19 aims to reduce
the pandemic’s impacts on
programs designed to fight
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and
The Global Fund’s approach to Covid-19
aims to reduce the pandemic’s impacts
on programs designed to fight HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria.
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L’Initiative, acting and adapting in response to Covid-19
L’Initiative, acting and adapting in response to Covid-19
In tackling the new challenges
posed by the global Covid-19
pandemic, L’Initiative is acting
and adapting to stay on course
in pursuit of its primary
goal—eradicating the three
major pandemics.
In tackling the new challenges posed
by the global Covid-19 pandemic, L’Initiative is acting
and adapting to stay on course in pursuit of its primary
goal—eradicating the three major pandemics.
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Expertise France, working side by side with health officials on the ground
Through the "Covid-19—Healthy
together" initiative led by the
AFD Group, Expertise France
has launched the technical
support platform "COVID-SANTE
EF". Its goal? To support health
authorities in vulnerable
countries with the management
of the health crisis related to
the pandemic.
Through the "Covid-19—Healthy together"
initiative led by the AFD Group, Expertise France
has launched the technical support platform
"COVID-SANTE EF". Its goal? To support health
authorities in vulnerable countries with
the management of the health crisis related
to the pandemic.
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to facilitate access
working with countries
to Global Fund grants
With the beginning of a new
Global Fund financing cycle,
L’Initiative is battle-ready to
support access to the grants.
With the beginning of
a new Global Fund financing cycle,
L’Initiative is battle-ready
to support access to the grants.
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A new strategy
for L’Initiative
At the dawn of the new triennium 2020-2022,
L'Initiative is taking on a new strategy to
ensure its rise to prominence. It is based
on visions and values, from which four
strategic pillars are derived. Its objective:
to contribute to the elimination of the
three pandemics by 2030.
At the dawn of the new triennium 2020-2022,
L'Initiative is taking on a new strategy to ensure
its rise to prominence. It is based on visions
and values, from which four strategic pillars
are derived. Its objective: to contribute to
the elimination of the three pandemics
by 2030.
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Find out more
Download the
activity report
the activity report